Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bleeding External Hemorrhoids Need Medical Attention
When it comes to hemorrhoids it is always advisable to see a doctor. Bleeding external hemorrhoids need treated by the doctor first. External hemorrhoid bleeding is usually detected when having a bowel movement. There may be blood left on the toilet seat. Blood is likely to show up on toilet tissue. If there is a tender, possibly painful feeling when wiping it is a good idea to check tissue. Blood may also show up on underwear. The good news is that hemorrhoids respond well to treatment. Continuing without treatment is likely to make life pretty uncomfortable. Pain, itching and overall discomfort will be pretty consistent without care.
There is another reason not to hesitate to see a doctor when blood is coming from the anal area. Bleeding external hemorrhoids may not be the cause of the bleeding, or at least entirely. Bleeding can also come from internal hemorrhoids, anal fissures or tears of the colo-rectal area. It is best not to jump to conclusions but best to be seen to put any concerns at ease. It is a good idea to wear white, cotton underwear to allow for absorbency and to have a visual monitor for bleeding.
It is fine to cleanse the area. To ease pain and itching apply ice packs for 10 minutes. Next use a warm compress for 20 minutes. These can be alternated or moist heat may be applied. Once the doctor says it is okay to do so a sitz bath it can be very comforting. Soaking in a warm tub with Epsom salts adds ease of stress on the anal area. The usual soaking time is 20 minutes. Afterwards towel off gently in the anal area and try to relax. Sitz baths can be repeated several times a day. For bleeding external hemorrhoids the comfort and healing of warm water has been known for ages.
Once bleeding external hemorrhoids are on the mend there are some over the counter treatments that can help with discomfort. Oral anti-inflammatory medicines are ibuprofen and naproxen. Topical ointments containing witch hazel, hydro-cortisone, lidocaine or any "caines" and aloe vera help reduce the swelling and itch. Witch hazel cloths are generally sold or can be home made with cotton cloth soaked in witch hazel. Keep the area clean and prop up the feet to take the pressure off. A fiber rich diet with lots of raw fruits and vegetables and plenty of water to drink and exercise is a great step toward good health.
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