Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thrombosed Hemorrhoids Hurt - Do Not Live With the Pain!
There are several different types of hemorrhoids all of which are painful and annoying. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are one of the worst types. These are the kind that are swollen enough to protrude from the anus.
If you have developed thrombosed hemorrhoids, it means that clots have formed in the veins around the anus causing it to swell. They tend to turn a very dark purple or even black color like a raisin. Once they start to protrude, they can be very painful. Unlike other types of hemorrhoids that are just annoying and can mostly be ignored, this is the type of hemorrhoids that will often continue to get worse if you do not treat them.
The first thing you need to do is to increase your water intake. This is step one. This helps to improve your circulation and get toxins out of your body. It is also good for your overall health all of which will reduce the swelling and pain.
The second step to treating your thrombosed hemorrhoids is to add a lot of fiber to your diet. You can get a boost from fiber pills or powders, but make a point to start adding more grains and vegetables that have natural fiber.
The third step it to try sitz baths several times a day. A sitz bath is a warm bath that you fill just to cover the affected area. Soak for ten or fifteen minutes and it will reduce the swelling. This provides some much-needed relief.
If after trying these tips your thrombosed hemorrhoids are still not any better than you may need to see a doctor for treatment. Try these tips first because other solutions will be far more drastic, including surgery. Even after your hemorrhoids improve, you should stick with the water and fiber to prevent a re-occurrence.
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