Sunday, October 25, 2009
Some Simple Facts About a Ruptured Hemorrhoid
When a person talks about hemorrhoids most people can relate to the pain and general feeling of uncomfortably that comes from this all too common condition. It is a condition that most people have to deal with at one time or another. Some individuals have this condition and it can become rather serious, even requiring surgery. However, if you have a reoccurring hemorrhoid problem, you will need to understand certain descriptions of your condition so that you do not misinterpret or cause yourself any undo fear, worry or panic. One term that you may here regarding your condition is what is know as a ruptured hemorrhoid
A hemorrhoid is a varicose anal or a perianal vein that has become inflamed and enlarged. These enlargements will often times cause pain and itching, however, in some cases the vein will become so enlarged that it will actually break through the skin. This condition is known as a ruptured hemorrhoid. These hemorrhoids can be some of the more painful hemorrhoids and with the breaking of the skin there can be a certain sense of alarm.
While a ruptured hemorrhoid may seem more serious than your standard run of the mill hemorrhoid the truth is that there is not much difference. The only thing a person has to watch out for is the slight possibly of minor infection when the skin is broken. In most cases these hemorrhoids will go away as quickly as they came on. If the hemorrhoid persists, once the abrasion has healed, traditional treatment of the hemorrhoid itself will often do the trick. If, however, the hemorrhoid continues unaffected by the treatment, it may be time to see a doctor concerning the hemorrhoid.
Hemorrhoids can be a difficult thing to deal with. For most people, they are a mild inconvenience at most, and for some the problem can be more chronic or serious. Whatever the case may be when you are dealing with something like a ruptured hemorrhoid you might worry that what you are experiencing is worse than what it is. With a little information, you can avoid any unneeded and unnecessary worry when something like this occurs.
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