Monday, October 26, 2009
How Your Hemorrhoid Grade Relates to the Condition of Your Hemorrhoid
Having medical experience can be a benefit in understanding a physician or other medical professional. Grading is a shorthand way of describing the intensity or level of an object or symptom. It is a way of classifying the hemorrhoid. With hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoid grade indicates the condition and intensity of the affliction and how bad it is in regards to treatment and resolution.
Hemorrhoids have many causes, one of which is the lack of adequate amount of fiber in the diet. Physicians recommend an intake of up to 35 grams of fiber daily. Do not attempt to take that amount in a short span of time. Gradually increase your fiber intake until it is at the the physician recommended level, as you will otherwise experience uncomfortable bloating until your intestines become accustomed to the increase. Recommendation is to increase about 5 grams every week or so.
Other causes of hemorrhoids is overweight, pregnancy, lifting heavy loads and constipation. These result in pressure on the rectal walls, resulting in the hemorrhoid grade. Smoking creates hemorrhoids because the nicotine decreases the blood flow to the rectal wall and decreases peristalsis, the movement of the intestines taking your waste to the rectum.
Most times, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowel is present with every hemorrhoid grade. Itching and irritations is usually present, and the most common is pain during a bowel movement, again with every hemorrhoid grade.
Grade One indicates that there is a hemorrhoid present, but it is internal and does not protrude outside the anus. It does, however, bleed.
Grade Two classifies the hemorrhoid that protrudes but will recede back into the rectum of is own accord, usually after a bowel movement.
Grade three begins the classifications which indicate further impairment or effect on the body. The hemorrhoid bleeds at least sometimes, recedes when it is gently pushed back in, but does not recede on its own.
Grade four indicates that the hemorrhoid is protruded all the time, and is visible; it hangs down the anus all the time as opposed to being parallel to it, and it usually bleeds a lot.
It is advisable to consult your physician with any discomfort, or bleeding and to follow his or her directions.
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