Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Simple External Hemorrhoids Home Remedies That Really Work (Immediate and Effective Relief)
A high percentage of people around the world will experience some form of hemorrhoids in their life. External hemorrhoids are classified as having swollen veins that will start off as a soft lump and then will gradually begin to get harder right outside the anus region.
Taking preventive steps will help the treatment of your hemorrhoids condition. However, in order to take these preventive steps you must know the causes of your hemorrhoids. Some of things that cause external hemorrhoids include: straining during a bowel movement, being over weight, and frequent diarrhea.
Some of the steps you can begin taking to prevent external hemorrhoids include: changing your diet, regulating your bowel movements by eating the right kind of foods, and practicing the proper exercises. Increasing your water intake will also help to prevent external hemorrhoids from occurring.
There are more than a few different external hemorrhoid treatments out there to choose from. However the most popular form of hemorrhoids treatment is using natural methods at home.
Home remedies for external hemorrhoids include applying a mixture of aloe gel, petroleum jelly, and lavender oil. When you apply this remedy to your affected area it will ease the burning sensation and ease the itching of the hemorrhoids.
Using herbs is also one of the most effective home remedies for hemorrhoids. Herbs such as golden seal and mullein can be mixed with an equal amount of water to make a very effective paste that can be applied to the affected area on your body and left on for about an hour.
You can also make some special drinks which can provide some hemorrhoids relief. One of these drinks is a pomegranate drink that can be consumed each and every morning and evening. These home remedies will provide you with immediate relief and can eventually cure your hemorrhoids if you give them some time.
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