Sunday, October 25, 2009
What to Look Out For With a Strangulated Hemorrhoid
When having to deal with a hemorrhoid, which most people will have to do at one time or another in their life, this particular condition will often times be little more than a nuisance. An uncomfortable nuisances, but a nuisance nonetheless. There are, however, conditions that involving hemorrhoids that are far more serious than just a little pain and itching. While these serious conditions involving hemorrhoids are far less common than your standard hemorrhoid, they are not to be left unattended or treated with traditional methods. Conditions like a strangulated hemorrhoid is a condition that can be very serious.
While hemorrhoids are a very common condition, in some cases they can become quite a bit more complicated. There are two types of hemorrhoids that a person might encounter. The first is the most common and these are known as external hemorrhoids. These can be painful and very itchy. These are also the type of hemorrhoids that respond to traditional treatments the best. The second is an internal hemorrhoid. Except for the location of the hemorrhoid, these are no different from an external hemorrhoid.
Given the location at are complication that can arise is a strangulated hemorrhoid. This happens when the hemorrhoid prolapses outside the anus. When this occurs the sphincter can go into spasms causing the prolapsed hemorrhoid to be cut off, causing the blood flow to move into the hemorrhoid leaving no way for the blood to flow out. This is a rare occurrence; however, it is a condition that will require immediate medical attention.
With this condition there is likely to be a fair amount of bleeding, depending on the size of the strangulated hemorrhoid. While this is to be expected, this makes getting medical attention even more necessary. The first reason is that with bleeding there is a risk of infection, and given the location of the hemorrhoid, that risk is even greater. Secondly, while the bleeding most likely is being caused by the hemorrhoid, bleeding in this area should always be checked out to exclude the possibility of anything more serious at work.
If you experience a hemorrhoid, as you likely will during your lifetime, you will more than likely experience a little pain and a little discomfort, but most times that is about all you can expect. However, for other conditions like a strangulated hemorrhoid, the situation can be much more serious. Taking great care to know the signs and seek medical attention when necessary can make this serious condition a lot less of an issue.
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