Thursday, October 29, 2009
Do You Struggle With Burning Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids occur as swelling and inflammation in the veins located in the anorectal area. The causes are varied but all lead to increased pressure to the veins of this area of the body. Constipation, especially chronic, and diarrhea can cause one to strain during bowel movements, which in turn raises the amount of pressure placed on the veins leading to bulges, inflammation and swelling. Symptoms include but are not limited to pain, bright red bleeding with bowel movements, itching and burning hemorrhoids. However, these symptoms are also commonly found in a variety of disorders or diseases making it imperative that one experiencing these seek medical assistance to diagnosis the cause of the symptoms.
A major cause of hemorrhoids can be traced to diet and lack of exercise. Unfortunately, today's modern lifestyle and eating habits are less conducive to a healthy intestinal system. One suffering from chronic constipation must adjust his or her eating patterns to include dietary fiber and increased amounts of water on a daily basis. By eating more whole grains, vegetables and fruit one will see a change in their bowel habits and also help prevent further episodes of painful, burning hemorrhoids. While this is great for further prevention, relief of the current situation is also important and there are a number of remedies or prescriptions available to help.
For those that are experiencing mild discomfort from hemorrhoids a soak in the bathtub or a sitz bath could help alleviate the uncomfortable feeling. Soaking in a warm, not hot, bath for fifteen minutes three to four times a week can relieve some discomfort and cleanse the area. A sitz bath is similar to a bath, but you only soak the hemorrhoids by placing a sitz bath basin over the opening of your toilet seat and then only place the affected area in the water. Other options include over the counter creams that contain anti- itch medication and an analgesic to relieve the pain and burning hemorrhoids can bring.
However, some hemorrhoids can be large enough and painful enough that home remedies will not suffice. When these occur, one must obtain medical advice. The range of this disorder beings with small, internal versions that require little attention and seem to heal naturally to those that are large, painful and burning hemorrhoids. These are usually very uncomfortable, bleeding and will not go away without medical intervention. There are a number of different paths that can be taken by the medical personnel to eliminate hemorrhoids. The path taken will be dictated by the type and extent of the hemorrhoids.
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